Ti:Sapphire ring laser tunable single frequency CW


Tunable single frequency Ti:Sapphire ring laser

Wavelength              695-1100 nm
Output power           > 1.9 W (12 W pump power)
Scanning range        5 / 18 / 25 / 35 / 45 GHz / 80 GHz
Linewidth                  < 5 MHz/s (0,5MHz/0,1s) rms
Mode                         TEM00
M²                               ~ 1,1
The TIS-SF-07 model of Ti:Sapphire laser is the optimal solution for multi-function source of single-frequency tuneable CW radiation in applications of atom cooling and ultra-fine resolution spectroscopy.

Its radiation linewidth is < 5 MHz, continuous smooth scan range is 5/25/45 GHz and 80 GHz (NEW), output power is more than 1.5 W with 10 W pump and output range is 695-1050 nm. Working spectral range can be extended into the 350-550 nm blue and UV regions with the efficient resonant frequency doubler (model FD-SF-07), which is optionally shipped with the TIS-SF-07 laser. The output power of 350-550 nm frequency can exceed 400 mW if 1.5 W @ fundamental wavelength is used.

The standard shipment of TIS-SF-07 includes fast PZT mount with a small mirror for subsequent stabilisation of the laser frequency (frequency stabilisation system is incorporated in model TIS-SF-777).
Ti:Sapphire single frequency laser in operation pumped with 532 nm
The optical scheme of the laser is configured in such a way that it provides for both ring and linear cavity operation with only a minimal re-alignment of the mirrors.

Preliminary alignment of the selective and Faraday elements in the linear cavity makes the subsequent adjustments in the ring resonator much easier. Thoroughly-thought alignment system of TIS-SF-07 significantly speeds up and simplifies laser alignment to max out parameters after a change of the mirror set to switch to a different spectral range.

Available wavelength tuning range of Ti:Sapphire laser is covered in TIS-SF-07 model by several optical sets for the following ranges: 695-780 nm, 750-850 nm, 850-950 nm and 950-1100 nm. Easy access to any of the cavity elements provides additional comfort when switching to a different spectral range with a change of the mirror set.
Titan:Sapphire Resonator design cavity layout beam propagation
Ti:Sapphire single frequency laser design architecture inside
Highly stable TIS-SF-07 laser resonator with volumetric solid base featuring three invar rods provides long-term stability of laser parameters.

When the TIS-SF-07 laser is daily operated in clean room conditions, only a slight adjustment of the pump beam position may be necessary, because the latter may change during the warm-up time of the pumping source.

Ultra-accurate controls of the pump beam position implemented in TIS-SF-07 model are accessible from the input flange of the laser, the user can operate them without lifting the case cover.

Rigid laser base-plate

Rigid laser base-plate with three invar rods in a volumetric configuration. This insures additional stability


Simplified laser alignment in the ring configuration because of preliminary optimisation of the elements in the linear cavity

Low vibration

Additional vibration dump components are built in to the base of the laser cavity


Quick tuning of the laser line to the given wavelength. Simple mirror change procedure when switching spectral ranges.

Possibility of direct pumping

without any additional mirrors and/or spacers by popular DPSS lasers


Possibility of laser operation in both ring and linear resonator configurations
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